Six Resolutions for Backpackers Planning a ‘Round the World Trip
Zach and I have been planning to travel around the world for like ever. Or at least since we met our freshman year of college, LOL! But this year will be the year we finally take the plunge! I still have a LOT to do before I can ever think of taking off on our…
I’m living with my parents to save money to travel and it totally sucks.
I’m living with my parents to save money to travel around the world for a year. And it totally sucks. I mean, I’m like 22 years old, I just graduated from college, and I’m living with my parents. Ugh. It wouldn’t be so bad if they’d just leave me alone, but I feel like I…
7 Signs You’re Planning a ‘Round the World Trip
I’ve been planning my upcoming ’round the world trip for like ever. Some days I think I’ll never have the money or time! Ugh. In the mean time though, I’ve been doing nothing but planning and DREAMING. Are you planning a ’round the world trip too? Is someone you know planning a ’round the world…
Twelve Steps to Prepare for Your ‘Round the World Trip, As Told Through Cat GIFs
How do you prepare for your ’round the world trip? The answer is different for everyone. Some people spend years pining over guidebooks and travel blogs before finally deciding to go for it. Some people just decide to go and go. But no matter who you are or how you plan, there are certain steps…
Why I want to plan our entire ’round the world trip
Zach and I are planning a ’round the world trip. He doesn’t think we need a plan. He thinks we just buy a ticket and go and, “See where the wind takes us.” Whatevs. No. I want to have a plan. I’m not leaving America if I don’t know where we’re going, where we’re staying…
Help Me Choose a Backpack for Long Term Travel!
My birthday is coming up and I’m going to ask my parents to get me a travel backpack for my ’round the world trip! I know right now they are like totes against me traveling after college but I hope they come around and buy me one! Now I just need to decide which one…
The Many Emotions of Planning a ‘Round The World Trip
Zach and I are planning to travel around the world after college. It’s seems like I’ve been planning FOREVER well, because I HAVE been planning FOREVER! LOL! Ever since we met my freshman year he’s been talking about how AMAZING travel is and how I should travel after college, and that sparked the idea for…
No one understands that I want to travel the world.
No one understands that I want to TRAVEL THE WORLD! Ugh! While I was home for spring break I finally told my parents that I want to travel the world instead of getting a job after college. They didn’t take it well. I tried using all my techniques for breaking it gently: I was the…
My Favorite Resources for ‘Round the World Trip Planning
Zach and I are planning a ’round the world trip after we graduate college! I’m so excited because I just got my first passport and have never been out of America before! Zach is all, “been there done that,” and doesn’t think we need to plan anything. “Just buy a ticket and show up,” he…
Why You Should Always Use a Guidebook When Traveling
O-M-G! I recently bought my first guidebooks so I can plan our upcoming ’round the world trip! I’m just starting to read them but they seem so useful! I can’t imagine how anyone plans a trip without one — you should always use a guidebook when traveling! I bought three of them: Lonely Planet Europe…